Our story

2 min readApr 13, 2024


After a year of navigating the challenges of recruiting, we observed a glaring gap between developers’ CVs and their actual skills, resulting in costly hiring missteps. Many talented developers remained overlooked, while others were overvalued based on conventional metrics. As a team straddling the worlds of development and recruitment, we understand firsthand the frustrations on both sides: employers struggling to identify top talent and developers disillusioned with outdated assessment methods like pedigrees or generic coding challenges.

This realization ignited the creation of GitRoll — a platform that places code proficiency at the forefront, fostering a transparent and efficient talent market that benefits all stakeholders. Unlike traditional talent platforms, GitRoll’s approach is unique. While competitors like Turing and Toptal offer vetted talent at a high cost and platforms like Fiverr and Upwork provide affordability at the expense of vetting, GitRoll strikes a balance by accurately assessing developer skills while maintaining affordability.

One key insight that sets us apart is our understanding of the job seeker experience. By prioritizing the user experience for developers, we attract top talent more efficiently. Our developer-friendly onboarding process replaces archaic HR methods, resonating with the engineers’ expectations.

Founders’ Journey

Our founding team’s journey began 1.5 years ago when we collaborated on a previous startup. Jovy served as the co-founder and CMO, Ray as the co-founder and CTO, with Luyi and Ryan anchoring the engineering team. Despite our efforts, we faced challenges in finding a product-market fit and encountered founder conflicts with our previous venture.

The genesis of GitRoll stemmed from our collective experience and frustration with the talent acquisition process. We witness firsthand the pain points experienced by startups in dire need of quality talent. Our domain expertise in recruitment and technology underscores our commitment to solving a problem we deeply understand.


We are a small team of four with a big mission. In our journey of developing GitRoll and collecting CVs globally, we uncovered a stark reality. Junior CS graduates from prestigious universities demand high salaries, while talented developers in other regions ask for far less. We spoke with a developer from Palestine facing desperate circumstances and looking for opportunities on our platform. This disparity highlights the need for change.

GitRoll is our response to this injustice. Our goal is to establish an unbiased benchmark, uncovering talented programmers. Join us in reshaping the tech talent landscape and advocating for equity in our industry. Together, we can make a meaningful impact and create positive change.

